Dinner in the Jordaan While JW Fends Off Wolves

Last night was James Wilson’s last night away, so James and I went out to dinner in the Jordaan. We didn’t even leave the house until after 7pm, so that in and of itself was a lifestyle change (not to mention I had real clothes on as opposed to my usual 5pm pajama pants).  It felt like our old pre-child days living in NYC. I loved strolling around the canal streets, seeing all the people out and about and on the streets and on boats and sitting in the cafes.

It was nearly 8pm when I took this photo, and still so light outside.

We had dinner at a great little cafe called De Reiger in the Jordaan.  It was cozy and relaxed and the food was excellent, plus there was a friendly cat who kept us company.

Speaking of cats, a neighbor cat paid us a visit through the kitchen window this morning.  Brian and Kitty weren’t so sure about how they felt about it.


A neighbor cat showed up in the kitchen window and was determined to come in and visit. Brian and Kitty didn’t quite know what to think of it

James Wilson is back from his school trip, and he had a great time. In case you missed it, he got separated from his group while mountain biking and was lost in the forest for a while.  He said he began to panic when he heard a pack of wolves howling (or maybe it was a tractor starting up, he couldn’t be sure), and he considered building a fire and looked around for some brush and kindling, but in the end he followed the blue path markers and got reunited with his group.  While I was waiting at the school for his bus to arrive I spoke with the head of the senior school, who was fully aware of the incident.  She was awesome — I think it really was a pretty big deal, and for a while there was legitimate reason for concern, but the teacher leading the group was really calm and level headed and was able to keep everyone from getting too worked up while he rounded them all up and got them all quite literally out of the woods.  Apparently James Wilson got a lot of attention afterward, and I think he’s kind of enjoying his little bit of fame. The story gets better every time he tells it.

I am very glad to have him safe and sound back at home. A nice, low key pizza movie night in our apartment sounds pretty good to me!



2 Replies to “Dinner in the Jordaan While JW Fends Off Wolves”

  • Thanks, Jeff! James Wilson’s school sent out a letter talking about how successful the week was, and that the children learned many skills and “resiliency” was the first one listed. I suspect my son had something to do with that.. 😉 .

  • Great story and resolution. There’s no adventure without adversity. Thoroughly enjoy your posts Jenn keep them coming

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