Vampires, Strudel, and California Dreaming

I don’t know why I keep thinking about California, I hate it, but it won’t leave me alone. In my California fantasy we have fuck-you money and live in a Spanish-style house in the LA area – not some giant… Continue Reading…


Last night I woke myself up at 1:30am because I was yelling “Take them in the niiiiiight!” in my sleep. The bad dream (I’d watched a TikTok about visiting Dracula’s castle before I fell asleep) kept me awake for a… Continue Reading…

The War of the Roses

“And Mary Queen of Scots probably only had sex with the Dauphin of France once or never because he had an undescended testicle,” I informed James at midnight last night after watching Mary, Queen of Scots in what has become… Continue Reading…

Wilder Times in the Netherlands

I returned home to the Netherlands just in time for the Dutch election results, and in case you haven’t heard, far-right candidate Geert Wilders won. Headlines announce that the results are shocking. But are they? I find it interesting that… Continue Reading…

I Love New York

The day before yesterday I peed in my pants a little bit because I drank a pot of tea and had to walk 30 minutes to get back to the apartment I’m staying in in Brooklyn and I foolishly did… Continue Reading…


Every so often I get the idea that I want to move far away, to Scotland, perhaps, and get a big dog and maybe a goat, and my friends know this would not suit me at all and intervene and… Continue Reading…

Embassy of the Free Mind (and Feet)

If you find yourself in Amsterdam I recommend visiting the Embassy of the Free Mind, a museum experience based on the collection of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, located on the Keizersgracht in a grand, historic mansion built in 1622. James… Continue Reading…

MFA or Tarot?

I was raised by Stephen King and John Irving and decided to revisit the master storytellers in my quest to further develop my craft. Ten pages into Irving’s new novel I realized his sentence structure has subconsciously shaped the way… Continue Reading…

Intrusive Thoughts

This morning James and I biked up to Joe and the Juice and as I was sipping my tea I had an intrusive thought and I shuddered and James asked me what happen and I told him I’d just had… Continue Reading…

The Time I Fed My Husband Broken Glass

One thing I discovered during these last few weeks of summer is that my kid is more apt to hang out with me if I regale them with gossipy stories about our family, and I am an exceptional raconteur. This… Continue Reading…