Midsommar Vengeance Bear for Summer Solstice

We’re making a Midsommar vengeance bear for our Summer Solstice castle party which you can read about if you click HERE. If you have not watched the movie Midsommar, you are missing out and may not fully grasp the concept, but for our purposes, know that everyone may bring a totem of their enemy, blood feud, nemesis, or of anyone or thing who has wronged or vexed or generally displeased them and we will offer it to the vengeance bear. We will then set the bear and the totems of our enemies aflame and watch it burn for all the world to see, our enemies will know our power, they will suffer the eternal flame of our wrath, vengeance will be ours.

(The castle probably will not let us set our bear on fire on their property so it may have to be a ceremonial gesture, or we may ride our bikes through the forest like a coven of naked witches to the North Sea and set it ablaze on the dunes…. we shall see.)

James bought and downloaded a pattern from a nice lady on the internet but needed to enlarge it by several sizes so had to use his superior math skills, then followed the numbers to fold and connect all the pieces to form the head. I watched and gave helpful encouragement.
Had to fatten up the ears a bit
It’s pretty realistic and creepy. It’s fun to take turns scaring your family with the bear head, especially if you can catch them in the middle of the night as they are coming out of the bathroom.
Next step was papier-mâché.
We made eyes out of JW’s molding clay. By we, I mean James.
James, Brian, the vengeance bear, and Robert Plant having waffles with cream and strawberries
We rode bikes to the hardware and garden center to buy the chickenwire for the bear body and brought it all home in the bakfiets.
Brian has a good stick
Seems like we’re getting the proportions right
James had the brilliant idea to use burlap for the bear’s fur, which will give it a bit of a Wicker Man creepiness we both enjoy
Stay tuned…….
Let this be a lesson to you all