Apples and Pears
October 12, 2020
Unfortunately our Covid numbers continue to rise and with more than 6,000 new cases per day we’re one of the worst countries in Europe in terms of numbers. There’s a press conference scheduled for Tuesday and new measures are expected to be announced but early reports are saying no lockdown as of yet, despite the head of the Emergency Care calling for one as the hospitals are getting full. It’s looking like there will simply be more restrictions to times bars and restaurants can be open and limits to how many people can gather, which seem inadequate. Three kids in JW’s class have tested positive confirming student to student spread so he’s back to home learning today and tomorrow but the rest of his school is still in person and he’ll likely go back Wednesday assuming there’s no lockdown. We shall see. In the meantime, we’re doing our best to get as much outside time in nature as we safely can.